I have been working really hard today, and I needed to, but I have been eyeing this little survey around and thought it would be fun. I grabbed it from LeslieD......here is goes.....
1. I've been hooked on the needles since: I learned to knit when I was 9 - I made my grandmother teach me - she was not too convinced at the time - she also taught me how to embroider in our two weeks together that trip!
2. I'm still a virgin, but not for long: nothing that I can think of....... cables, lace, socks, sweaters, wire, broomhandles, tulle, crochet.....oh,oh .. haven't tried tatting......
3. She's crafty - she gets around...to : knitting, making stitch markers, collage, making cards, and an a little free hand sewing
She's crafty - she's always down...for: knitting, cooking, internet, Law & Order, foreign movies, reading, teaching knitting and learning
She's crafty - she's got a gripe...about : My husband cleans the house and every night there is my pile on my side of the bed so I have to do my chores before I can go to bed....drives me nuts!
She's crafty - and she's just my type. What type of knitter are you? I knit continental - left handed - and want to knit everything. When we move, I will be knitting the screens for the doors!
4. I'm dying to try: organic cotton/soy yarn
5. I gravitate towards colors like: Black, tan, brown, muted burgandies and greens
6. My most cherished possession (kids, pets, family don't count) is: My art collection, which includes a couple pieces of my clothes, a couple pieces of my knitting, a lot of glass, painting, collage and drawing - only original pieces.....
7. I'm stuck on an island, what am I reading? Anything by Gabriel Garcia-Marquez, Arturo Perez-Reverte, or any murder mystery
8. If I were about to be executed and I was offered a last meal , I'd be dining on:
Steak au Poivre, french fries, mesclan salad with goat cheese, fois gras and really good Cabernet!
9. Music to knit by: Ryan Adams, Blink 182 or Kathleen Edwards
10. I have a crush on: DC - a rep that I work with....its not reality, I would never trade him for my husband, but its fun.....
11. Least favorite celeb: Britney Spears and Paris Hilton - get a life girls.......
12. Choose:
Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp? Johnny Depp
Madonna or Janet Jackson? Madonna
June Cleaver or Peg Bundy? do I have to?? Peg, I guess....
Jackie or Marilyn? Jackie
Love or Money? Love
Brains or Looks? Brains
Math or English? English
Cat or Dog? Dog
Leader or follower? Leader
Beer or Champagne? Champagne or good wine
13. My favorite smell? organic wool - I am not sure if it is the lanolin or what - but Philosphers Wool is heaven for me to work with because I love the smell of it - now if only it was softer and didn't itch!
14. Not many people know this about me: I helped to build satellites that are still in space, a couple of them were on the space shuttle or launched from it and I have seen the actual photos of Haley's Comet that came from the Hubble Space Tellescope and edited the photos for a book on the comet......
15. My hidden talent is: putting an outfit together......