Each person tagged gives 7 random facts about themselves. Those tagged need to write in their blogs 7 facts, as well as the rules of the game. You need to tag seven others and list their names on your blog. You have to leave those you plan on tagging a note in their comments so they know that they have been tagged and to read your blog. Here are my facts:
1. I love American flags - especially the folk art, wrong, weird ones. It goes back to my days as a cyclist. They hang all over my house. There are ones where the stars have 6 points, where the flag is flying backwards, all kinds of handmade wonderfulness...
2. I own a clothing store and really don't mind keeping everything nice and folded there, but hate hanging, folding, and organizing my own clothes.
3. Everything that I own is just a little bit off, whether it is the actual item or the way it interacts with other things - nothing is perfect and I enjoy it that way.
4. I get huge amounts of pleasure seeing things that I made being used, especially by strangers. Nothing makes my day faster then to walk into my LYS and see someone using the stitch markers that I have made or seeing them being used/gifted on a blog, seeing a baby out who is wearing a hat that I knit and sold, ect...
5. There are things that I own to own. Things that I cannot bear to use or if I do use them, I buy a second to have in reserve that will probably never be used, but I need to have that one to use the first one - cargo pants, shoes, sweatshirt, art supplies...
6. I always know when I am getting sick because I crave garlic - garlic-y mexican food, garlic-y italian, garlic-y thai, yummmm....
7. When people do not pronounce my name correctly (you say it "sun", the easiest possible way) I will correct them twice, then I give up and let them call me what ever they do, usually then someone else at a later point will correct them or not. I find it too exhausting to keep pointing out that they are not paying attention to me... its the easiest way to figure out if you really know me and are my friend or not...
I tag Jana (whiteoakstudio), Roxtarchic, Stella, Leslie, Heidi, Jules, and Jana (exile) - I know that this one has been going around for a while, so if you have already done it, I challenge you to give us 7 new weird facts, I did...