Thursday, January 23, 2014

Evergreen Lake

My class on the platform has gone live. You can see the front card on this blog. The mitten in the picture is called the Evergreen Lake mitten. There is a story behind everything, here is the story behind that mitten and its name.

Every year, my husband and I try to set aside a date day to go to Evergreen Lake and skate outdoors. Full disclosure would let you know that I am a terrible skater. One a groomed rink, I do okay, but outdoors where the ice is uneven, I am pretty bad. Yesterday, was the day we had planned to go up to Evergreen to skate the lake. However, Evergreen Lake had other plans for us - they did not open until 3pm, which was too late to get me back in time for class...

We had to find a plan B. There is a little rink in downtown Denver, called the Skyline rink. We made that plan B and had a beautiful sunny skate - round and round. You can see my Evergreen Lake mittens against the orange ice. Yes, orange ice to celebrate the Denver Broncos going to the SuperBowl next week.

Back to the Evergreen Lake Mittens. When I was talking to the producers at Craftsy about my class, I wanted to start with a mitten that anyone who wanted to try colorwork could successfully complete. I see that being similar to my ice skating - anyone can do it, the more time you spend the easier it gets and there is very little that you can do wrong. Plus with the blue and white yarn, it seems so pretty and like the ice in an outdoor rink blue in the thinner places and white where it is well worn.

I am so excited to see how others Evergreen Lake Mittens progress...

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