Sunday, July 12, 2009

It's all Roscoe's fault...

In the last three months, Jordan, our foster lab, had a name change to Roscoe and was adopted as a forever member of our family. He has greatly cut into my knitting time - along with a number of other summer activities - like camping, mr.sunneshine's mountain bike racing, yard sales, and family visiting. Roscoe has added a lot of love and joy to our house - so it is worth the lesser time to knit. He has started to carry his own gear hiking and camping, which he loves. And generally is a great dog! And really, who could resist that cute face looking up at you....

There has been knitting. I just have had the camera pointed more on Roscoe then knitting, the next post will have FO's and a couple that I am really loving that are in progress :).

Happy KNitting and happy summer!

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