While there has been quite a bit of knitting around here lately, the picture taking has been lagging. I did get a fancy new camera for my birthday, so I am learning how to use it and hope to have it up and running for better picture quality soon.
In the mean time, here are my two blocked lace projects. The raindrop shawl with Smooshy from the Woolgirl sock club -- which, yes, gives you alternate patterns to just socks! Jen at Woolgirl rocks!! I did have to toss the shawl over Roscoe, since it was his color. He did not appreciate it, but was a good boy for the photo.
The other lace piece is my stonewall stole. I love knitting it. A co-worker had traded yarn with me, so this was her one ply alpaca. I doubled it for the stole and love everything about it - the feel, the colors and the pattern. It blocked to almost double the size it was when it was just knit.
I did take a photo of my make-shift blocking area and Roscoe helping with the blocking process - which really was him laying on the floor sighing and yawning loudly... He did get an extra walk after everything was pinned :)
Soon there will be more photos...
Happy KNitting!!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
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